So far my experience with Hospital for Special Surgery has been a very positive one. I had surgery for a right TKR on April 3rd of 2014, I was wheeled into the OR and talking with the the people there and suddenly I woke up in the recovery room a few hours later. When I woke up I felt pretty good considering what had just been done to my right leg. 5 hours post op they had me putting weight on the knee and walking about 10 feet or so. I was tethered to the bed with an IV so I couldn’t go too far. When I sat back down on the bed they asked if I would bend the knee as far as was comfortable. I bent the knee to 90% and I was in shock.
I was released from the hospital on Easter, 48 + hours after my arrival. I went home and was weight bearing almost immediately and walking without a cane within 5 days. When I had my first in-home PT session (5 days post op) my flexion was 98 degrees and extension was -8 degrees. 7 days post op, my flexion was 107 degrees and extension was approx -8. During my first out patient PT session, flexion was 110+ deg and a -7 to 8 deg extension. Currently at 21 days and doing stairs and working out with weights. I plan to hit the golf course by June if all continues on this recovery path. Thanks to all at HSS.
PS: Dr Ranawat also replaced my other knee almost 3 years ago. I was on the golf course at 6 weeks then. Giving myself 8 weeks this time although I may be back sooner.